When the Romans were around
After Boudica's revolt of 60 - 61 AD the Romans took over the capital of the defeated Iceni tribe at Venta Icanorum. Their road to Colchester, a major hub of Roman rule, is now the A140.
A considerable number of Roman coins have been found in the fields of Paddock Farm, close to the current core of the village of Mulbarton. Around a dozen have been positively identified and they date from the time of Vespasian (69 - 79 AD) to one with the head of Constantine I, minted in Constantinople in 330 AD. Others are illegible. Of course, coins can change hands and remain in circulation for many years after they are first minted.

Many of these coins came from field 4 on Jim Bratton's map (above and on the ORIGINS page), between Catbridge Lane and the farm buildings of Paddock Farm. This is also the field where large quantities of Roman pottery, mainly 'grey ware', were found by field walkers as well as Jim himself. Over 130 pieces were identified, concentrated in the north-east corner of that field and many many more must have been lost to the plough and stone-pickers in the 2000 years since the pots were discarded.

A selection of finds from field 4A:
1. Denarius of Vespasian (69 - 79 AD); 2. Denarius of Titus (79 - 81 AD);
3. Samples of more than 130 pieces of Roman pottery found here;
4. Roman copper alloy corner mount; 6. Part of a mid-Saxon stylus;
7. Late Saxon copper alloy disc brooch (c.900 AD)
Other items are Medieval - fragments of copper alloy vessels; a belt hook; part of a purse frame. Also, part of a 16th century buckle (20) and a William IV silver groat dated 1836 (27).
A couple of pieces of Romano-British brooches were also found, adding to the hunch that all these finds were probably lost within a homestead rather than dropped by passing travellers.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to discover what the relationship was between people living in or near Mulbarton and the nearby thriving Caister Roman Town!